One of The Brightest Stars

Thursday 6 November 2008


Simple changes... Changed my playlist on the blog caused most people just turn it off(including myself) lol. 2 songs which I find I play on repeat for hours on end.

I feel like I'm the only 1 who isn't bounded by an effigy in this world. It's so fucked up. Why can't you people open your hearts and eyes to those around you. I hear so many things about others. Too many infact that if I didn't know better, I'd believe them. Maybe I should really go give cambodia a try. Kai Fen did ask me to go. Why are you people so self centered. Those close, those I hardly know, you never seem to know me, you guys never seem to understand why. It's like the world is only seen through eyes like yours. Somehow I've had enough.

The world is a beautiful place. Can you hear sound of a girl's heart when they blush. Or feel the smile warm your heart when you see something ever so cute. Feel the world go about when you stand still and look. Just stop for a moment and try to feel, no matter how down I feel, it always makes me smile no matter the time, no matter where I am.

I saw life begin and the ship we're in and history unfold.
I know you want to know what's right but I know it's so hard for you to do that.
And time's running out as often it does and often dictates that you can't do that.
But fate can't break this feeling inside that's burning up through my veins.
No matter what I say or do,
the message isn't getting through,
And you're listening to the sound of my breaking heart
(Lines from James Blunt - I Really Want You)

But oh how it feels so real
Lying here with no one near
Only you and you can hear me
When I say softly slowly
Hold me closer tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
you had a busy day today
(Lines from Elton John - Tiny Dancer)

Just wanted to share these words. Cause I find that most people never listen for the meaning in songs. Songs are more than just entertainment. Ever thought of how they're made? Then songwriter pens his/her feelings into words. I bet you people keep wondering why James Blunt, or why metal, I don't seem like that kind of person. The meaning in the songs, that's why. I love the way James Blunt expresses sadness in words, sort of like complaining to the world. If I ever met him, I bet we'd really clique. As for my assorted American/Black Metal. Well... Ever read their lyrics, yeah I know it's hard to understand them but when you do, they so describe your life. No metal songs don't make you emo nor do they mean you're satanic or whatever. It's just plain misconception. Their lyrics are just so beautiful, for those who know how to appreciate them. They're also the main reason why my English never fails even though I've not read a book in 4 years. Almost every song I'll come across a word I've never seen before, then I proceed to read up the meaning and I've learnt a new word.

The things I've learnt while sitting at home rotting. Man they're so rich. Romanian text says Cleopatra was a seductress. But upon further reading of Arabic text, she's actually an intelligent individual and a brilliant leader in her time. She wrote books on medicine and cosmetics, she welcomed scholars. So yea she did seduce Ceasar. But for a 19 year old girl to sneak into the bedroom of the most powerful man on Earth then, was by far no small feat. This phrase "I Rome, do what the Romans do". She pulled it off really well in Egypt. Did you know she was Greek? But she practiced Egyptian customs and even knew their language. The Greek God Horus, the hawk. She translated it into Amun Ra the Egyptian God of the Sun when she ruled Egypt. She even depicted herself as Isis a very popular Egyptian God.

She knew the times well. Religion was everything then and to rule the people, you had to understand them. Egypt was really rich during her time. Only when Ceasar died and Rome was split in half did she fall. Egypt was seen as a treat to Rome and with Ceasar gone their son wasn't recognised as the heir cause it was never annouced. It also meant the treaty was gone. Even the way she commited suicide depicted emphasis on Egyptian religion it's astonishing.

Pretty interesting stuff to come across when you're bumming at home eh? Learnt plenty of other neat stuff. Mainly Science and History.

Do not wonder,
for I am but a shadow.

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