One of The Brightest Stars

Sunday 17 August 2008

Lost in the midst of time

I wonder how long has it been since I last updated my blog. Oh wait, I can just check the date on my last entry -.-".

I see the world turning in my sheets.
As I sit comfy on my throne watching it all.
The stories I hear are made to entertain me.
Time passes me by,
Timeless; as I always have been.
My past, just another illusion asleep within memories.
My love holds me with a liquid embrace,
To chase the day away.
The thought of her makes me smile; yet cry.
I'm screaming at the top of my voice,
but who here has the capacity to listen.
The omerta of The BrotherHood,
The few kin I have left.
So here I go,
Towards the nothingness I see ahead of me.
Waiting for her to take my hand,
Against an enemy which is myself.
Maybe someday we'll meet,
And maybe talk and not just speak,
In hopes you might hear my pleas.
I don't know when my time will end,
In this foreboding hour, I feel as though it is near.
The grin in the darkness draws me ever so closely,
Making sure not to let go.
"Strong as you were, tender you go, watching you breathing; for the last time"
The words that keep me going.

Do not wonder,
for I am but a shadow.


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Anonymous said...

Hi everyone. I'm delighted to have joined this forum and am looking forward to contributing.

My interests are wide and varied but I reckon my real passion is for music. I love a wide variety such as
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