One of The Brightest Stars

Sunday 31 August 2008

Many thanks

The stillness of time is only felt after the end, Ted.(Myself)
Time is a killing system with numbers attached to it, Gibran.(My good brother in Sri Lanka)

If you combine these 2 quotes together you get the following. Time is 1 step closer to killing us with every passing second. Time is endless after death has come. Now if you put it into context in life. Dying would equal losing something irreplaceble in your life and what comes after death is the endless torment of the memories; for memories are timeless.

Well this is a special post going out to several people who've helped me out, even though they might not know it. Firstly Ben, thanks for always being there, you're always the only one who thinks of me when you want to go out. Basically I feel like you're the only one who thinks of me at all.

Then next is for people who've been my listening ear and have given me great advice. Matthew, your one line of advice has helped me peservere alot, we do see things the same way most of the time and although we aren't close but we're connected(Another thing I have to thank Ben for). Wolf , you gave me great relationship advice though it's so hard to heed to it, I'm not sure I'm ready to be an adult. Serene Peh, you always try to be cheerful and it always helps a little. You hear what I have to say even though you might not understand and put effort to at least try to. Even though you sigh about what's happening in my life, you still try to cheer me on whenever I talk to you and it's just really nice.

There's also people who's not quite there anymore but you'll forever be in my mind. Bjorn, though you're not in the country anymore we still chat alot at intervals in our lives. Bridget, okay so you're now a prisoner of your past mistakes. But it was fun being with you, trying to put myself in your shoes those days you were running away from authority. It was nice that back then you thought of me as one of your options. It gave me something to do and it started to make me care for people again. You just feel so much like kin though we didn't know each other that well. It's nice chatting with you again after so long, you'll always be like a sister to me.

Going on with the list, Krystie you just make me feel like you're a really nice person. You have a really beautiful heart. Even though I don't know you really well, by the things you've done for me, those little things, they just made me feel this way about you. Ken, I've heard nothing but bad things about you from others. But you and me.. We somehow came up with an unspoken agreement that we'll stick to being DotA buddies. I don't know how you are in real life and I don't really care. All I know is you're here keeping company with me when I'm bored and also a convenient person to rant at(Thanks for the quote "Life goes on even though you're emo"). Shu Xian jie jie I'm not forgetting to mention you too, you're always so bubbly and though you're not really bright and speak mainly chinese, you're just a really nice girl. Even if we didn't really work out hanging together as we're just in different worlds, you'll always be my Jie Jie. Miss you! Before I forget, Kenneth Fu too. You recently initiated a conversation with me, gave me some advice though it's irrelevant but nice of you to suddenly pop up.

My family has also been another one, I don't mean my direct family but my whole family in Singapore. My grandaunt seems like her last wish is that us cousins will get along and hang out together. Though I've drifted away from that awhile back, I'm starting to value those I share the same blood with again. They're the ones that do all the little things in life that just make me smile.

I'm in the process of fixing a broken life, a broken heart. I'm still blinded by love, still blinded by the thing that hurts so much, the only thing good I can say about it is that it overshadows something everyone is bothered about, my future. I really can't thank you people enough for all the little things you've done that if you've never noticed, has meant so much to me. I'm crying as I type this. I'll never forget you guys, for memories are eternal. As for my love, I don't want to ruin the beautiful image I have to remember you by.

Breaking free of the paradigm

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