One of The Brightest Stars

Thursday 4 December 2008

Factors and Comets, The Vast Universe

It's nice... To have external factors in life everyday. The need to go to work, the people you commute with. All on a daily basis, a daily routine. To have an orbit around you must feel great. I could never accomplish such a simple task. The foreign objects comes and just goes when I loosen my grip, or smashes when I hold on too much.

I visit others never to stay, I bear witness to the unseen, but all these are just kept within me. How I wish those who observe me from their telescope will plan an expedition to meet me. How I wish others were able to take my soil samples and maybe even a core sample just to find out about me. My composition of materials, my maturity, my age and possibly where I've been.

The collision I had which brought me close to losing my consisting materials that make me scar deep down to the core. The surface wounds have all been healed but the recent minor collision I had with an old neighbour rocked my core like an earthquake. Once again I feel the hurt. I almost absorbed it in the endless pursuit in this deep space to become larger, to finally stop moving on and start on the plans, to have a stationary orbit of my own. I just move too fast that I fling things out and absorbed nothing but the information that can be extracted and the memories my passenger embeded.

The recent Supernova took away too much of me that now my composition has changed too much and now so my course. For I absorbed external objects to regain my mass and now they've set in motion, a new becoming of me.

Do not wonder,
for I am but a shadow

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