One of The Brightest Stars

Sunday 17 May 2009


You know your birthday supposed to be the most joyous occassion but it always sucked for me. This year especially. I was nearly pissed off at every single person at 1 point save Serene.

Maira doesn't really bother to contact me. Called her on Friday to hear her say she was waiting for me to call, delayed cause she had another birthday celebration to attend to. Saturday she messaged me before the movie but didn't call me after. At that point of time I was already so pissed off I couldn't remember to call her either way. (Really disappointed)

Ben just pisses me off cause he always has this overpowering attitude towards me and can't seem to tell that I'm not the teen who used to always listen to him. Didn't wish me either even though I asked him why. (Pissed off)

Nicholas didn't want to wish me either because he loves to 'guai lan' and said he couldn't remember such things due to work. Argued with Nicole and both of them bailed on me at the end. (Not really angry just adding to the fuel)

Nicole forgot to inform Nicholas on the plans and didn't remember most of the stuff we agreed on earlier too. (Not really angry just adding to the fuel)

Pei Zi delayed till the point I didn't know if she was even coming so I went ahead with Bridget, Kevin and Rozann to the west side. She messages me when I'm almost there so I asked her to choose a station to meet and she doesn't want to. So I pick Chinese Gardens where I was at and she gets pissed off 5 minutes later. To top that off she reverted to the old lingo she had when I first met her and she was always smiling in disbelief at the things I've said. Had to send her back all the way to Pasir Ris and take a cab back. If she had the courtesy to tell me she didn't want to eat supper together anymore I could have dropped at tampiness for my last bus back. I follow her to outside Pasir Ris mrt and she just says 'bye bye'.

Cried myself to sleep on Friday because I was already experiencing more shit prior to this and another time the week before.

Only heartfelt thing that I received was the birthday wish from Nicole (not that one but this girl who used to be called Germaine, a year older than me and stays 5minutes away), even though its been at least 3-4 months since our last exchange of messages and it's more or less been me acting as her dictionary on a monthly basis. Still despite all the odds she still remembers my birthday and sincerely wished me. Well would love to meet her soon but she always turns me down so I don't really know.

At least Rozann made my day by making me laugh so hard so many times.

Do not wonder,
For I am but a shadow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You made a mistake by posting such a post. For now the world knows what you think of us.