One of The Brightest Stars

Sunday 22 March 2009

Starting a movement


This is an organised pro-fansubbing argument designed to provide some effective solutions for the future. An open mind is required, as well as the ability to accept and bring about massive changes in media marketing.

First off, I would like to point out that my ponderings are centered on the Anime industry, though they are still more or less applicable to all forms of fansubbing/”piracy”.

I am currently a massive anime fan, timewise I must have spent at least 3 of the last 6 years watching/reading the stuff. Whilst I do not buy the DVD boxsets (through fear of bankruptcy and dubbing) I DO buy the original manga comic books when they become available in my area.

I’m not trying to argue that I support the author this way so my piracy is fine (right?), because that sort of argument is weak and cannot lead to a solution. (Like I said people, stay open minded if you wanna read this, I ain’t gonna listen to critiscism from guys that only filtered out the bits they wanted to hate)

But now understand this, I seriously doubt I would even know about the existence of Anime and manga if one of my friends hadn’t come round my house and watched a “pirated” episode on the internet. What does this mean? That the author/producer/Copyright Holders lost more potential sales to another “pirate”? Or did they gain the sales of the mangas I buy that I wouldn’t otherwise have known about? Tell me, what have they lost, really, by having their product made known WORLDWIDE. Now here is a little lesson in physcology, okay? When you see something you REALLY like, you WANT to own a physical, material representation of that something. FACT. (AGAIN, no b#tch babbling here ok? This next part is what I want you to consider [SERIOUSLY consider])

Media marketing… Has changed. *puff*

In the last decade, over 40% of the world population has gained a regular internet connection, and with the modernisation of China and India along with many 3rd world countries, that percentage will naturally increase very rapidly making the internet the ultimate international marketplace. *hacking cough*

Now answer me this, anti-fansubber copyright holders, authors and producers, why aren’t you exploiting that market?

‘Yeah but we are! We’re putting DVD ads on it and everything!’

Shutup. You have in front of you the largest distribution network ever imagined, and yet you’re getting p#issed off at US, because WE are using that network to get YOUR products.

Another question, how does the television industry work? Afterall, anyone with a TV and an antenna can watch it, so how do you make a profit? Come on now, you should know this one, surely! It’s only how you’ve been making a living for the past, oh I don’t know, 60 YEARS!!!!

Now then, have you put 2 and 2 together yet? Thats right. If you were to put your show on the internet, with some ads in it, you would be earning cash exactly the same way you are now (just like TV, look at that!). Oh, except for one small thing. Your show (and its precious advertising slots) wouldn’t be shown just to a region, a state or even a country, but the entire world, at the same time. I think that also gives you the right to make those ad slots a bit more expensive, no?

And guess what, if you were to create your OWN subbing team, who would of course sub the ads as well and not remove them, then not only would the fansubbers/”pirates” goal be acheived, but you’d also now be making considerable money from what is under current laws, the biggest black market ever.

And there we have it, it’s all up to you, the anti-fansubbers. If you have such a big problem with this, get off your fat corporate asses and exploit what we’re doing, instead of keeping up these futile efforts of trying to condemn it. Because that is another fact; you can’t stop us. It’s far too easy for us, and far too difficult for you. Oh, that and we’re not going to stop either. We don’t care who posted what we’re watching, but we WILL keep on watching it.

So now it’s your turn. Why don’t YOU show ME the future? I’ll be watching…

To all that have read this post, know that this is a supported movement across the globe, gradually building. Please show your support for this Media revolution by posting your version of this argument in forums, blogs etc. wherever you see the topic of this conflict. Together, let’s work for an advantageous future for all.

Thanks for reading,

AnimeAddict, Streetyboy, Violent_Diplomate

A new unit tomorrow. 39SCE CBRE PNR - EOD DVR. Pioneer batch, high pay, tough training, lots of 'sai kang'. Don't know what more could I ask for. At least I get to deal with chemical and ordinance :D Well... At least I think so. Don't really know what to expect there.

Speaking of starting a movement, I've been making changes in my life. I think those of you who've known me long enough would've realised I'm a little different.

Do not wonder,
For I am but a shadow

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Layman isn't the grey man

For once lets make the post in layman terms so people could actually understand what I'm say. First off my leave period has been going swell. Ordered a new computer and bought myself an external harddrive(another milestone in the race for technological supremecy). Eat, travel, eat some, then eat some more and you guessed it just plain stuffing myself silly :D. All these 'enriching' activities just shows how much I'm spending =/

The highlight of everything was the nearly 20 litres of beer we had at Priscilla's birthday barbeque. 40 cans of raffles and changs, 2 big cans of anchor and 4 bottles of tiger. That gave me like 4kg extra on my first weigh and a 3kg drop on my second after the long hours of sleep I had. Hmm on a side note it's advisable not to walk along Pasir Ris beach in the really early morning cause there's alot of disgusting stuff lying around and not to mention, don't even think of barbequeing them cause it's just plain sick!

One drawback though, the bloody desktop is going to take more than a week to come so I won't be able to even smell it before I lose all freedom again. Hope I get into SISPEC!

Had a laugh at the new movie cause it was just retarded and a joke to boot. Hope you all scream more and laugh less when you watch it =x Over the years it seems I've not lost all my skills at pool which made me kind of glad. Went with the younger generation to monster pool and for some sadistic reason they kept challenging me even though no matter how much chance I try to give them it's like eventual but they keep asking for more. I'd like to leave on a note that the curry puff hairstyle totally makes you look like a fool to non-chinese cultured people.

Love is in the air ya!

Do not wonder,
For I am but a shadow

Saturday 14 March 2009

A symphonic melody for the broken

Seriously my thoughts should stop being in melodies or clips for once. How am I supposed to express stuff into words when I have to spend hours contemplating, become lazy and get side-tracked.

Sometimes I still can hear
His voices calling, calling me from everywhere
And now and then
I feel my soul slowly slipping out of myself into his hell

"I know he's waiting there for me
In his limbo between destination and reality"

Lost vision of a resolution, descending rapidly down the spiral, not quite sure what I have embarked. Senseless thoughts. In the shifting sands, raven dark, the words my eyes read on the sheet pull my gaze along the lines. Devour facts my comprehension meet in the words, between and behind. Pulling my fate along.... She claws at my feet and makes me forget.

Do not wonder,
For I am but a shadow