One of The Brightest Stars

Friday 19 September 2008


How I wish I could surrender my soul;

Shed the clothes that become my skin;

See the liar that burns within my needing.

how I wish I'd chosen darkness from cold.

how I wish I had screamed out loud,

Instead I've found no meaning.

I guess it's time I run far, far away;find comfort in pain,

All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble.

Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.

I've heard what they say, but I'm not here for trouble.

It's more than just words: it's just tears and rain.

How I wish I could walk through the doors of my mind;

Hold memory close at hand,Help me understand the years.

How I wish I could choose between Heaven and Hell.

How I wish I would save my soul.I'm so cold from fear.

I guess it's time I run far, far away; find comfort in pain,

All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble.

Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.

I've heard what they say, but I'm not here for trouble.

Far, far away; find comfort in pain.

All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble.

It's more than just words: it's just tears and rain.

Songs... They're what go through my mind always. I think in pictures. I am never alone. I always talk to myself up in my head. Slowly figuring out what the pictures I see in my head mean. Yes it sounds as if I'm one step from being crazy. In fact I really am. If certain criteria are met I will be. The above song describes my current life. In fact, any and all 'emo' songs that comes to mind just are able to describe my life. Why? The way I face life it's just sad. But being sad doesn't mean I don't get happy or I don't stop living.

I am everything all together. I am sad, I am caring, I am lazy, I am hardworking, I am smart, I am stupid and the list goes on. It just depends what comes out. I believe we all are. So if each of them represents a color and I'm everything, means I am the color black. So no matter what you do to me, no matter what you make me feel, I'll always return to being black. Yes adding white will result in grey, but can you ever add enough white in my life? Don't forget the amount of white needs to be equal.

Lies.. What do they mean to you? Look beyond the lie, beyond words, beyond actions. What do you see? The reason they do. I've done the biggest taboo in lying. It got so big and lasted so long it became the truth. Till now it still haunts me once in awhile. My friends might be lying, but are they lying to me or lying to everyone or worse lying to everyone including themselves. Let me tell you, to me the worst equals to the person being the most needy. Of course this onnly applies to people I care about. In normal cases I just take it lightly.

Anger.. Few people have actually seen me angry cause I hardly ever do. In life only afew things and afew people mean enough to actually make me angry. If you ever make me angry, it just means I actually care about what you say and think.

I am a shadow to those I follow. You hit me but you feel the pain.No matter where you run or what you do to me, when the Sun shines again, I'll just be right by your side. Never give up, never turn your back away, never doubt. Thats what those close mean to me. My brothers you'll always be.


The world is the future
A whore to a strong man
Our weakened feet will try
To dwell in a lie
They tell me we're losin'
Our talent of using
The dead mans' deed as guide

So far from the truth...

We praised in the name of good and love, no never again
We saw the death that raped the blood of all those men
We praised in the name of just and righteousness, no never again
We found the thought that plagued this world
Strong and blind...

Let the plague be purged
Dark is the night that had set to your mind

Let the plague be purged
Sweet in the pride that reflects in your eyes

And as the morning comes
Let us bear the burdens of our crimes
A human claims a rightful share to pain
Paint the sky black
Paint the floor red
And forever and ever burn
And burn

We burned in the name of good and love,no never again
The holy flames that craved the flesh, were lit unpure
We screamed in the name of just and righteousness, no never again
We found the thought that plagued this word
It was strong and blind...

As we head towards eternal
For the better, for this time
We let go all these bound aries
For the last time I repent

Let the plagued be purged
Dark is the night that had set to your mind

Let the plagued be purged
Sweet is the pride that reflects in your eyes

Wrest is the truth from your hands...

Do not wonder,
for I am but a shadow.

Monday 8 September 2008

Sands of time

The song of the world plays,
Playing for you to dance away the time.
Flashing lights bring fleeting moments to pass.
And it is fleeting moments I remember my dark mistress by.
Her mind chaos consumed,
Forever drawing itself to ruin.

These eyes see all...
As everything moves in slow motion.
As alcohol and adrenaline are pumping,
As the high people dance away.
Dance the night away.
Those in joy speed through time,
Those otherwise are cursed to slowly count the sands that fall.
As tears don't fall,
They crash around me.

Cursed are the timeless...
Cursed to watch time seep through their hands.
Unable to grasp time,
We remain frozen while the world ages away.
As the ages pass,
All that is left are fleeting memories
Our image is only seen in fleeting moments in time.
When we are ever noticed,
But never held on to.
We drift across the sea of time...

Always thought that I would love to live by the sea one day,
To travel the world alone and live my life simply unbounded.
I have no idea what's happened to that dream,
Cause there's really nothing left here to stop me.
As my sweet demoness is everything but here.
Why do I seek the be bounded?
Bounded by what hurts as the manacles cuff me ever so tightly.
Not knowing how to let go.
I live my life waiting for salvation,
Or death.
With this I pray...

Do not wonder,
for I am but a shadow.