One of The Brightest Stars

Saturday 12 September 2009


WTF? Can't believe I like totally forgot 3 people's birthdays for these 2 weeks. Come to think of it, this year, the only lucky people who got wished by me were Ben and Nicholas. Oh yes and I can't remember the lucky digits cause I'm always so bad with numbers.

Sorry Rozann, Nicole Ong and dear Serene for being totally oblivious (unless reminded constantly) about it. Well just to let you guys know, I've not celebrated mine in years. Always wanted to have a proper party or something but things never turn out right.

Speaking of dates, I can't seem to remember when all the holidays are either. I only know when I'm told (which is always the last minute). With my negative affinity to numerical values, I'm still bedazzled as to how I even pass my 'O' level math paper (No I didn't study so it isn't hard work either).

Coming away from all the negative energy, I got shocked by how much Nicole changed. No it's not Nicole Ong, no it's not Nicole from Yishun either. It's the first Nicole I ever knew and was always intruding in terms of hospitality.

She's become so... What's the politically correct term again? Ahh yes, SLIM. So abruptly changing the topic here, it seems that exercise has become the bane of a Singaporean, as far as the masses are concerned. Everywhere when people want to lose weight, they start going on a diet. Yes even me, who wants to lower my BFI, is watching what a eat (simply speaking I'm eating normal portions now). And by normal I mean the "wtf how can you even be full with so little food" amount.

From what I've been observing, so many girls have ruined their chance to be 'absolutely hawt' just because they didn't eat enough during puberty. If you still don't get it, I mean the boobs. Okay just kidding, it's just the overall body figure. Where the thighs, ass, arms and every single part of the body can be altered through natural means, I'm afraid the hooters are beyond the means of the poor/average income citizens.

Did you know that when the list of the 7 deadly sins were first created, back then before Jesus. Laziness or otherwise 'Sloth' were 2 different sins. Meaning, there were 8 deadly sins and sloth was divided into 2. I can't emphasize enough how much damage this single word can cause. so putting 'sloth' into prospect in conjuction to the earlier mention of eating disorder, Singaporean are lazy, thats why they rather diet. It's just a vicious cycle. I've been told many times that I eat so much and don't gain weight. Well FYI, it's my metabolism rate and where all those calories go. Yes I have to ability to lose pounds while being a complete couch potato, a skill that many would kill for.

For those who know me well enough to say "this fucker doesn't exercise at all", it's completely true up till afew months back where I finally told myself, I want to be fit. I'm slowly working my way up there. Having setbacks but nevertheless, never truly backsliding in my conviction.

The cycle goes, I burn more calories so my appetite increases. As eat more and am more physically active, I am more energetic. Now you might want to say "the bastard's always sleepy" sorry but it's just in my nature that I can never have too much sleep.

If you've ever asked myself how I've ever composed my posts cause it's so disorganised, it's "Rantings of The Demented". Meaning my fingers are at the mercy of what ever whims my mind cocks up.

Do not wonder,
For I am but a shadow

Friday 4 September 2009

Globalisation makes the World smaller

You know so many omfg things happened while I wasn't blogging? I'll try to be chronological about them. First up's is ALWAYS bumping into Siang Ann. Sembawang camp countless times. Sometimes outside when I least expect it. Damn even at my own market. So here's where I went "o.O?". We were partners for the course I had back on Tuesday and Wednesday. We talked and talked and talked and talked. Basically found out interesting and otherwise literally mind bogglingly juicy stuff.

Stuff like, he hung out with Cheryl and knows the whole family like I do, okay maybe not exactly but similar enough. Then after afew days I decide to go search him up cause I suddenly had to urge to go check my facebook. While randomly browsing through I saw someone familiar so I went omfg again.

So this begins the whole Jia Wei arc. Met her during a drinking session I had like say around a month or two back. She was like always sitting beside me cause of Calvin and so I got the chance to get familiar with her. Nothing much after that besides hearing her name spoken from time to time. Then here comes the link to the facebook issue. She was the familiar face I saw and decided the share with her the whole coincidental reunion we had.

So linked to facebook again I came across another assosiate from primary school. But for her case I'm keep it a secret for now, till things develop and I actually have something of reasonable content to fill a post with.

Then next is back at work. Can you imagine bumping into the same 2 girls like... 20 TIMES!!! Best of all, later after I start resting do I figure out that they're the skanks my friend is wanting me to get for him cause I owe him a favor. The follow up of things was the first time I was so interested you know. As in wanting to know what happens and stuff. IT'S DAMN FUN LA. (Part removed due to sensitive issues =D)

So I plan to do it again tommorrow =D

Do not wonder,
For I am but a shadow