One of The Brightest Stars

Monday 22 October 2007

The birth of my blog..My short Biography

Well first off HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLOGGY!!!!Hahax now thats over...Now my blog will give a off a dark feel to it(emo in other words)but that's how i think so live with it..

My life started at Thomson hospital .. Can't remember much for the first few years... After that it's still blurry so I'll just blog about what i remember...

I'm four with my cousin Benedict riding my plastic motorcycle with me in my 5rooms flat...I remember my first maid aunty Elsie and another, yeah I had 2 at that time cause their contracts overlap for afew months... Another thing was I remember being spoilt with consol gaming and at 6 or so I would be home alone every Saturday when my mom goes marketing with the maid.. Too lazy to follow;rather watch tv..My kindergarten days were pretty normal...Being childish, acting gay(yar gay as in homo) and play merrily like lil kids do..

Now primary school...Best days of my life...Co-ed Chinese school named Chongfu Pri...I remember having a crush on this girl Rachel at pri 2...I always tried to show off by shouting in the canteen and acting all ganster like...I remember once she sat on my lap and helping me with my work in class and my heart just skipped a beat...Ahh that was my first love...Ironic she wasn't my first girlfriend...I remember she fell at the stairs once losing afew teeth...Her blood really looked like ribena with it really really looking purple for some reason... Going up to upper pri I don't know what happened to her,maybe the crush ended...Can't remember anymore...

Pri 3 onwards was when I starting going out everyday playing basketball every evening and soccer once in a blue moon with the sec school kids..Year i could keep up..My fitness level was in perfect condition i could run 1hour straight or more till my dad had to tell me to stop when I jogged with him..He's my step dad btw..But I still address him as Daddy..Can't remember much bout my biological father cept my mom labelled him as naughty daddy when i was younger cause he left her and took alot of stuff during the divorce... This year was also the time i picked up wushu... I dropped out after afew months cause all they did was do the same move over and over again.. I never knew I was talented for this then till years later...Remember how we showed off in class by bringing the most expensive pens to school..Ahh I vaguely remember a classmate of mine, James Low Jia Jun, bringing $50 to school,showing off and spending all of that buying pilot g2 pens...Running from prefects after being caught catching spiders...Speaking in chinese most of the time(amazing now I think about it)...

Pri 4 was the year I really changed...I grew ya...But my enviroment changed to kind of like a normal high school in tv to me... I sat with girls...I remember Michelle who sat beside me was the only girl who wasn't nice to me...Then before that or after(can only remember during those years)Erica sat beside me...We talked alot during class then she had this cute hello kitty pager which was pink(my fav colour now;not then)...I rested my arms on her chair while rocking mine...I also remember the girl behind me really liked my hair...Yeah I snow white...If I wore a wig and skirt no problem passing off as a girl,in fact i really was cute back then...Whitest person in school with the smoothest hair..I used the word fair and people always told me I very white not that I'm fair...Cute language we used back then...There's a vauge memory of this guy named Teo Jia Hao being my sort of best friend for awhile...Then it was Ernest Mok Kok Lin till my dream ended...I used dream as the days were nice almost like a dream to me now sitting infront of my computer staring at the white screen typing this...Me and Ernest hang out almost everday...I would always go to his house and watch him play games on his computer..His brother was this pro computer gamer who had SNES and other games and game consoles cracked in his computer..It was really fun watching him play everday...

The fights were also good ones to laugh about now I think about it... The only 2 i remember was me kicking the shit out of Billy(my neighbour and old friend) and this pri 6 kid when i didn't wanna get outta the school bus during lower pri..After kicking them for afew minutes,I finally went down on my own accord... Then there was this fight with water which then evolved to stoning and so on... I always hung my water bottle and my waist and 1 fine day outside school i accidentally splashed my classmate...Dunno what went on in his head but he went and took it the wrong way drenching me in water the next day..For the next 2 weeks or so we waged war by splashing water at each other...Then James Low joined him and I was quickly outnumbered...I remember returning home 1 day with F&N orange which dyed my shirt and my mom asked if I was being bullied...I just passed it off with a quick remark...All I did back then was devise tactics against them..How to attack and to avoid fighting...Then 1 day after being splashed at them,I snapped...There was this pile of stones and sand left by the construction workers cause they were doing something there those few months...I picked up huge rocks and hurled it at them..At first they were shocked...Yeah jus had my first killing impluse...We then started throwing stones at each other and I was able to dodge effortlessly as my adrenaline glands were already developed then and everything came in slow motion to me..After that fight they called a truce and my intent subsided and they proposed we join together to form some alliance...We then patrolled the side gate of my school everyday for like 15mins but didn't really get to splash more water...

Having Uncle Li/Lee fetch me from school from pri 4 onwards also changed my life...Yap Soh Ee and Tan Sui Ping who prefered to be called Jessica...They were the same age and school also took the same bus with me...They were the first girls who I knew dirty secrets on.. Both of them held some post in it prefect or class monitor..Infront of all they were like angels and model pupils..But hidden from the eyes of the masses...I saw how they really were...We talked but most of the times they were fierce in the bus so we weren't really close...But the situation slowly changed as we grew older and I was later okay with them..

Hmm so far not emo yet...I think... well maybe cause reminiscing of the past should not be that sad until u compare with now(Natsukashi naa)...I'll stop here for afew hours and go do some other stuff...I've asked some people to read it and comment on it...Comments and criticisms from all are welcome...Oh yar...Even if you post comments here or what...Please please PLEASE (ONEGAI!!!)tell me on msn...

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