One of The Brightest Stars

Thursday 24 December 2009


I think I've finally get the point of me, having a blog. It's to substitute all the times I don't talk to people. It seems that there isn't anyone interested to listen anyway. They just want me to listen most of the time. So it seems....

Maybe I'll take up Lette's proposal on changing to lj. But then I don't even know if I'll continue to blog. It seems more like I'm talking to myself rather than sharing my thoughts over the net.

No achievements to really boast about during my absence. Purhaps only the shame of declaring that I'm flaunting my cash, carelessly cabbing and stuff.

Got $150 stolen today. Not sure who did it or exactly when but the culprit was sure nice enough to leave $50 inside for me. Maybe it's a wakeup call, yeah just another donation to the totally non needy. It didn't hit me as hard maybe cause I've forgotten to feeling of being broke. Having enough to happily tide the months by. Lost my scrimp and stingy self back there somewhere last year. Yes it's true I place little importance on money.

It's christmas eve and I feel like it's a regular day. I've no life whatsoever. I feel so un-Singaporean like. Why? It's because everyday's just another day for me. Yeah carefree's a good way to describe it. It's like I'm lying to myself that I don't need the other things in life. No, I think I've just turned a blind eye.

I'm turning to be like Hammy and I think I need help.

Do not wonder,
For I am but a shadow